JWM Morgan (Jim)

I am writing a novel-in-stories titled Dangerous John about the inspiration of the abolitionist John Brown. I live in Oakland, California, where I teach and mentor people who are developing basic skills.

Some editors' comments:
"accomplished," John Bull, co-editor Valparaiso Fiction Review
" . . . beautiful historical fiction!" Sabne Raznik, editor AvantAppal(achia)
"I loved 'John Brown: War Stories' . . . ," Jonathan Penton, editor Unlikely Stories Mark V

portrait of JIm

Stories from Dangerous John

"Dangerous John" Valparaiso Fiction Review
"Dangerous John" The Courtship of Winds
"Fred Brown's Shriek" Isele Magazine
"John Brown and Sons" AvantAppal(achia)
"John Brown: War Stories" Unlikely Stories Mark V